Inspiring Original Australian Musicals
Home Grown is a grassroots movement and NFP dedicated to supporting, developing and promoting Australian-made musical theatre. Our one-of-a-kind events see the hottest talent in the Australian musical theatre landscape come together with the country’s most exciting writers to celebrate the new works coming from our own backyard.
The first Home Grown event was in June 2014, at the Eureka Hotel in Richmond and began as a space for the musical theatre industry to Connect informally while they shared new ideas, caught up with friends and SHOWCASEd new work.
In August 2014, CHapel Off Chapel became our Melbourne home; and 2024 saw expansion, with the Hayes Theatre becoming our home in Sydney, as both organisations celebrate 10 years of creativity.
The Home Grown Sheet Music Store is the only dedicated source of sheet music for Australian Musicals and is a crucial source for the ameb Syllabus.