Music by Carmel Dean Words by Edna St Vincent Millay

Sheet music
ELEGY from Renascence by Carmel Dean & Edna St. Vincent Millay
Solo; Mezzo D maj A3-E5
EXILED from Renascence by Carmel Dean & Edna St. Vincent Millay;
Quartet; Sop/Sop/Alto/Bari
E Maj
LAMENT from Renascence by Carmel Dean & Edna St. Vincent Millay
Ab maj; Alto; Ab3-B4
Solo; F; Contemporary;
RECUERDO from Renascence; by Carmel Dean & Edna St. Vincent Millay
Gflat maj; Alto Bb3-C5/Bari Bb2-Db4
Duet; M/F; Contemporary;
THE BALLAD OF THE HARP-WEAVER from Renascence by Carmel Dean & Edna St. Vincent Millay;
F# maj; Tenor B2-A4
Solo; M; Contemporary;
THE BEAN-STALK from Renascence by Carmel Dean & Edna St. Vincent Millay;
E maj; Sop/Mezzo or Ten; C4-F3 or C5-F4
Solo; F or M; Contemporary;
TIME DOES NOT BRING RELIEF from Renascence by Carmel Dean & Edna St. Vincent Millay;
Eb min; Sop/Mezzo; Bb3-Eb5
Solo; F; Contemporary;
TRAVEL from Renascence by Carmel Dean & Edna St. Vincent Millay;
Gmaj; Ten; C3-A4
Solo or Group; M; Contemporary;
AFTERNOON ON A HILL from Renascence
By Carmel Dean & Edna St. Vincent Millay;
D maj;