Musical theatre by Australian writers

A place to experience the best and newest material written by the Australian industry's own music theatre writers.

Dear Musos!

Welcome, or if you are updating your details, welcome back!

This won’t take long, but helps us keep track of all the great work that goes on in our community. Its as simple as:

  1. the Home Grown Musicals Australia Code of Conduct

  2. the Home Grown Musicals Australia Terms & Conditions

  3. the Home Grown Musicals Australia Media Release Permissions

  4. a short Contact Details form (see below)

Closer to the event you will receive Event Details via email, with any music, plus a full rundown of the event & schedule for the day.

HOME GROWN RESPECTS the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we work and live, and the rice stories and culture of the traditional custodians of Australia.

Home Grown strives Towards diversity amongst writers, performers and creatives including gender, race, LGBTQIA+, cultural age and ability.
