From the musical revue 'Sing On Through Tomorrow'
Key: Eb
Range: C3 - Bb4 with falsetto to Db5 (C below middle C to Bb above middle C, optional top belt note Gb4)
Male, Solo
From the musical revue 'Sing on Through Tomorrow'
Key: E
Range: E3 - F#4 (E below middle C to F# above middle C)
Solo, Male
From the musical revue 'Sing on Through Tomorrow'
Key: G Minor
Range: Bb2 - Eb4 (Low Bb to Eb above middle C)
Solo, Male
From the musical revue 'Sing on Through Tomorrow'
Key: G
Range: D3 - G4 (D below middle C to G above middle C)
Solo, Male
From the musical 'Atlantis'
Key: Ab
Range: Ab3 - F5 (Low Ab to belt F) OPTIONAL TOP NOTE INCLUDED: Ab3 - C#5 (low Ab to belt C#)
Solo, Female
From the musical revue 'Sing on Through Tomorrow'
Key: A
Range: F#3 - G5 (F# below middle C to top G)
Solo, Female
From the musical 'Metro Street'
Key: C
Range: F#3 - D5 (F# below middle C to belt D)
Solo, Female
From the musical revue 'Sing on Through Tomorrow'
Key: E minor
Range: G3 - C5 (G below middle C to C above middle C)
Solo, Female
From the musical 'Metro Street'
Key: C
Range: G3 - Db5 (G below middle C to belt Db)
Solo, Female
From the musical revue 'Sing on Through Tomorrow'
Key: E
Female - G#3 - B4 (G# below middle C to belt B)
Male - E3 - F4 (E below middle C to top F)
Duet, Male/Female
From the musical revue 'Sing on Through Tomorrow'
Key: C
Female: C4 - E5 (middle C to top E)
Male: C3 - G4 (C below middle C to top G)
Duet - Female/Male
From the musical revue 'Sing on Through Tomorrow'
Key: D minor - Arrange for 4 parts
Group, Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass
From the musical 'Atlantis'
Key: B
Range: C3 - Ab4 (C below middle C to Ab above middle C)
Solo, Male